Wednesday, October 12, the PTA will host a Farm Animal Visit. Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who signed up. All spots are full but we can’t wait to share pictures.

We are participating in the PTA Reflections Contest. Students need to submit entries by October 28.
Unleash your inner artist by participating in the PTA Reflections contest! The Reflections program helps students with both art appreciation and helps boost their confidence in their own artistic abilities. Over 300,000 students in pre-K through 12th grade year create original works of art based on a given theme. This 50+ year old program helps them explore their own thoughts, feelings, and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence, and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful in school and life
Students participate in the appropriate division for their grade: Primary (Pre-K – Grade 2), Intermediate (Grades 3-5), Middle School (Grades 6-8).
How to Submit:
Complete the submission form and email Nayyiara Siddiqui on or before October 28, 2022 to
To learn more about the program visit:
Reflections categories and contest entry rules
Willow Springs Elementary students may submit art work for any of the following categories in the stated file format.
- Dance Choreography: Solo and ensemble works of all dance styles are accepted. Entrant must be the choreographer and may also be the performer or one of the performers. If background music is used, cite it on the entry form. Video file must not exceed 5 minutes in length and 1 GB in size. Acceptable formats: AVI, FLV, WMV, MOV, and MP4.
- Film Production: Accepted short film styles include: Animation, narrative, documentary, experimental or media presentation. Use of PowerPoint is prohibited. Entrant must be screenwriter, cinematographer, editor and producer. If background music is used, cite it on the entry form. Video file must not exceed 5 minutes in length and 1 GB in size. Acceptable formats: AVI, FLV, WMV, MOV, and MP4.
- Literature: Accepted forms of fiction and non-fiction include: Prose, poetry, reflective essay, screenplay and play script, narrative and short story. Entrant may write in their primary language as long as an interpretative English translation is also attached. Use of copyrighted material is prohibited. Writing must not exceed 2,000 words and may be handwritten or typed. Acceptable formats: Single-sided print on 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper or PDF.
- Music Composition: All music styles and combination of instrumentation are accepted. Entrant must be the composer and may also be the performer or one of the performers. Use of copyrighted material is prohibited. Audio file must not exceed 5 minutes in length and 1 GB in size. Acceptable formats: Acceptable formats: MP3, WMA, WAV, ACC, FLAC. Notation (score/tablature) in PDF format is only required for middle and high school divisions
- Photography: Photo must be a single print or digital image. Collages and collections of photos are not accepted. Entrant must be the photographer and may use a variety of digital editing techniques including, but not limited to, multiple exposure, negative sandwich and photogram. Use of copyrighted material is prohibited. Print image dimensions must be no smaller than 3″ x 5″ and no larger than 8″ x 10″. Acceptable print formats: Mounted on mat or poster board no larger than 11″ x 14″.
- Visual Arts: Works of both fine and design arts are accepted, including, but not limited to: architectural drawing and models, ceramics, collage, computer generated images and graphics, crafts, drawing, fashion clothes and jewelry, fiber work, mixed media, painting, printmaking and sculpture. Use of copyrighted materials is prohibited. 2D artworks must be mounted on sturdy material and no larger than 24″ x 30″ with matting. Framed entries are not accepted. Include one digital image of artwork with your submission. 3D artwork submissions must contain 3 digital images of artwork at different angles. Image(s) are used for artwork identification, judging and exhibition purposes.

Friday, October 21, is BINGO Night. Doors will open at 6pm. We can’t wait to see you there!

Help us Stock the Lounge as first quarter comes to end. We love our staff so much!